Benefits of Themed Scents for Museums

As our culture becomes more sophisticated, customers expect more from almost every experience…more information, more excitement, more thrills. Innovative Museums are increasingly using scents to add the next dimension - smell effects - to exhibits and create more engaging experiences for their visitors.

From boosting moods to boosting sales, incorporating scents can be a powerful addition when developing:

  • An Emotional Connection – Scents provide a much stronger link to our memories and experiences than our other senses. By employing scents, visitors connect more closely and positively with stories and exhibits.


  • The Authentic Feel – To get the real, immersive feel for an exhibit or era, nothing provides that extra layer of authenticity like scent. Whether historical, industrial, maritime or more, scents help build an engagingly accurate portrayal.


  • Very Good Value – For what is a minimal part of a total budget, scents drive more benefits that almost any comparable museum spend. Pound for pound, providing guests with a much richer experience.


  • Interactive Adventures – Scents help capture and hold guests attention better than almost any other sense. Rather than simply observing, scents make visitors feel part of the museum experience.


  • Fantastic Fun! – At the end of the day, experiencing scents in museums is loads of fun! Whether nice or nasty, weird or wonderful, scents make for a unique and captivating addition to a museum visit.


Not sure how to add scents to your exhibitions? Contact Us for a free assessment